
Artist & Director

Catrine is the leader of Artmoney.

She has a background as a multidisciplinary artist with a focus on sculpture.

Catrine has a profound desire to help independent visual artists succeed while creating the context that independent artists need.

She is empathetic, energetic, kind, ambitious, creative, positive and relentless.

At Artmoney Catrine is mainly responsible for:

- Leadership
- Curation
- Events
- Parterships
- Web development
- Design

Together with Kristian, Catrine hosts the Artmoney Podcast on SpotifyApple.


Kristian is responsible for operations at Artmoney.

He has a background as a lawyer and entrepreneur.

Kristian strongly feels that independent visual artists are underserved. He wants to level the playing field by bringing best-of-class context to the independent.

He is passionate, direct, knowledgeable, communicative, action-oriented and inventive.

At Artmoney Kristian is mainly responsible for:

- Marketing
- Strategy
- Branding
- The Artmoney Podcast
- Finance
- Law

Together with Catrine, Kristian hosts the Artmoney Podcast on SpotifyApple.